مطاعم الرياض

سجل دخولك لتحميل البيانات

الوصف بيانات مطاعم الرياض تم استخراجها من موقع Foursquare
نوع الملف CSV file
المصدر Kaggle
المالك https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/fahd09/
آخر تحديث قبل سنتين
وصف الأعمدة name: The name of the restaurant. Some names are only available in Arabic.
categories: The list of categories (in English) separated by a comma.
address: The address according to foursquare. Unfortunately, it is the least useful column in the dataset because lots of resutrants lack a formal address. The future version of this dataset may include an enhanced address format.
lat: Latitude.
lng: Longitude.
price: shows the price category (Cheap, Moderate, Expensive, Very Expensive)
likes: The number of likes.
photos: The number of photos. Photos themselves are not included.
tips: The number of tips in Foursquare (e.g., Don’t miss their pasta). Tips themselves are not included.
rating: The average rating out of 10.
ratingSignals: The number of raters.

نسعد بمشاركتنا ملاحظاتك على البيانات أعلاه