الشقق السكنية في الرياض

سجل دخولك لتحميل البيانات

الوصف بيانات عقارية لشقق مدينة الرياض
نوع الملف CSV file
المصدر Kaggle
المالك https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abdulmalikm/
آخر تحديث قبل ١٠ اشهر
وصف الأعمدة 1 beds how many bedrooms are there

2 livings how many leving room are there

3 wc no of water closet

4 user_id each user has his own id

5 id each post/ad has it own id (this is unique)

6 title title of the post

7 content content in the page of each post

8 imgs list contain the images of each pos

9 create_time the creation of the pag

10 refresh last time it was upddated

11 district neighborhood name

12 street_width the width of the street

13 age how old is the apartment

14/15/16 kitchen , ac , furnished does the apartment contain this facilitys or not

17 location the lat and mag of the apartment (if needed i will separate them)

18/19 width ,length the width and the length

20 area the area of the apartment

21 advertiser_type what type of dealer (exclusive marketer , normal marketer , owner , agent )

22 review the reviews of the advertiser

23 profileImg does the advertiser has image or not

24 userName the username of the advertiser

25 iam_verified is the advertiser verified or not

26 path indicate the path of the path of the post from the home page

27 price the price of the apartment

28 last_update what time was the last update to the page

29 onMarket how long is the post posted (the time from the creation of the post till today )

30 isRent check if the apartment rented or not )

نسعد بمشاركتنا ملاحظاتك على البيانات أعلاه